Excel Beginners to Advanced. Excel is the most powerful tool to manage and analyze various types of Data. This perfectly designed Excel course will begin with an introduction to Excel and will take you through various features of Excel.
Excel is the most powerful tool to manage and analyze various types of Data. This perfectly designed Excel course will begin with an introduction to Excel and will take you through various features of Excel. If you’re an Excel beginner (or an intermediate) and want to learn Excel, this is the perfect place for you to start. Grow your career as a Data Analyst through knowing Data Analysis in Excel. Everything that is very important to know like Functions and Formulas, Data Validation, Pivot Table, Power Pivot, VLookup, HLookup, KPI and many more things are discussed in details in this course. This course will help you to make yourself one step ahead of everyone. All the resources are given that will help you to practice.
This course is designed perfectly, from introduction to advanced will be covered through various features of excel. You will get familiarized with Cell Refencing, Table formation, Customizing Cell Style, Border, Formula and Functions, Conditional Statements, Data Sorting, Filtering, Validation.
You will get notion of use Descriptive Statistics through the use of Average, Median, Count, Max, Min functions. An in-depth knowledge of using Chart and Graphs to analyze data, and presenting data through pivot table using of power pivot and KPI.
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